The Diary of Maria Pia
2012, Italy
Directed by: Fausto Paravidino
Produced by: Teatro Regionale Alessandrino
Genre: Theatrical tale
Languages: En
Text and Direction: Fausto Paravidino
With Iris Fusetti, Monica Samassa, Fausto Paravidino,
Scenes: Laura Benzi
in collaboration with Lucia Giorgio
Costumes: Sandra Cardini
Assistant director: Flaminia Caroli
Stage direction and lights: Alberto Comino
Video Processing: Michele Fornasero - Indyca
Video Technician: Dario Corno
Musical choices and sound: Fabio Bosco
Seamstress: Georgia Duranti
Scene construction: Renato Ostorero
Production assistant: Manuela Spoto
Executive Production: Roberto Tarasco
Tour organization: Lisa Raffaghello
produced by Teatro Regionale Alessandrino
The story, for better or for worse, is that of most. A normal family. A woman who non would like to die, but who, unable to do otherwise, tries to do it as best she can. And it's not easy, and it's enough for a drama. The context, on the other hand, is not dramatic. None of the characters touched by the tragedy frowns, tragedy leaves no room for formalism, it is what it is, we laugh and cry, life goes on even when it is about to end.
What we try to stage is a theater festival and a challenge to acting. Dying is slowly saying goodbye to the things we knew how to do. To become great actors is to conquer the economy. If we are no longer able to move, to have a sufficiently independent life, to speak well, to think well, are we still people? If we do the same on stage are we still actors? We think so, but we don't take it for granted, it's the work we're doing. Something we have found in writing and are trying to follow.
The pièce begins with a Shakespeare show, the theater festival par excellence, continues with virtuosity, changes of style, passages of place, two actors who play an infinite plethora of characters, then slowly, as the protagonist loses its faculties the thing becomes simpler until you get to something very close to nothing, but which is instead full of something. Finding that full, without tricks, is a difficult theatrical exercise, it's a big bet, it's the sense of the thing.